Video of an Urban Institute forum from May. I was a respondent to Janice Eberly of the Treasury Department, who spoke about inter-generational transfers. I was joined by Leticia Miranda from the National Council of La Raza, and Rolf Pendall, the director of the Urban Institute’s Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center, moderated. It was a fun conversation, even though I was a little jet-lagged that day.
Today, I kicked off AARP Public Policy Institute 's Livability Index project with a blog and two papers on new project webpage: bi.tly/LivIndex . The PPI blog, " What Is a Livable Community, and How Do We Measure One? " introduces the project to the world. You may have wondered why I haven't been writing as much lately, and this project is what has been keeping me busy recently. In a way, this has been keeping me busy for years.
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